Rabbi Gil Perl is the CEO of the Ades Family Foundation and the founding Head of School of the Jewish Leadership Academy which is a middle and high school opening in Miami in 2023. He is the former Head of School at Kohelet Yeshiva in Merion Station, PA. He is the author of the book The Pillar of Volozhin: Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin and the World of Nineteenth Century Lithuanian Torah Scholarship. Rabbi Perl writes and lectures on topics including history of Modern Jewry, contemporary Jewish education, and Modern Orthodoxy. Rabbi Perl has a blog gilperl.com and you can find him on Twitter @gperl.
Don’t assume every child is grounded in G-d.
We must show our children that there are different ways of discovering G-d.
Education is preparing for the future.
Take the time to think about the bigger picture and whether what we’re doing is the best way to prepare our children/students.
Allow students to have ownership over their schooling.
Create experiential learning opportunities.
Develop a growth mindset.
Continue to learn and push yourself.
Find the right growth environment where you can find a mentor.
Show our students the beauty in Judaism.
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